Research Areas
국가 기간산업 핵심 소재
Ju-Young Kim
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Lab제1공학관(102동) 401-6호
Topic로버스트 다기능 재료 연구
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Nanomechanics is a field studying mechanical behavior of materials at the nanoscale. At the nanoscale, materials generally show scale-dependent mechanical properties unlike bulk-scale. As an example, materials strengthen as external size decreases at the nanoscale called as “size effect in strength”. We are developing robust nanostructured materials based on nanomechanical tests.
– Curriculum Vitae
- 2011~ present: Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UNIST
- 2007~2011: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science, Caltech
- 2004: Guest Researcher, Materials Reliability Division, NIST
– Academic Credential
- 2007: Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
- 2001: B.S., Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
– Research Keywords and Topics
Nanomechanics, Structural Metals, Flexible and Stretchable Devices, Semiconductor Reliability
– Publications (selected)
- “Ligament size effect in creep of nanoporous gold” H. Jeon, J.-H. Woo, E. Song, J.-Y. Kim, International Journal of Plasticity 2022
- “Biodegradable metallic glass for stretchable transient electronics” J.-Y. Bae et al., Advanced Science 2021
- “Tension-compression asymmetry in plasticity of nanoporous gold” H. Jeon, S. Lee, J.-Y. Kim, Acta Materialia 2020
- “Self-healing of nanoporous gold under ambient conditions” E.-J. Gwak, H. Jeon, E. Song, J.-Y. Kim, Nano Letters 2020
- “Ultra-low dielectric constant amorphous boron nitride” S. Hong et al., Nature 2020
– Awards/Honors/Memberships
- 2021: Best Paper Award, Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
- 2018: Best Paper Award, Samsung Display Technology Symposium
- 2014: Young Researcher Award, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials