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Lab제1공학관(102동) 701-8호
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My research group team has devoted our best efforts to optimize and enhance the efficiencies of organic or perovskite-based optoelectronic devices such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs), solar cells, and lasing applications by using combined multidisciplinary approach from synthesis and preparation of nanomaterials of ZnO, SnO, perovskite nanocrystals, and optical and electrical characterization through several methods, and applications for optoelectronic fields.
– Curriculum Vitae
- 2018-Present : Professor, UNIST
- 2009-2018 : Assistant, Associate Professor, UNIST
- 2007-2009 : Research Associate, University of Cambridge, Cavendish Lab.
- 2005-2006 : Postdoctoral Fellow, KAIST
– Academic Credential
- 2002– 2005 : Ph. D. Organic and Polymeric Materials, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech)
- 2000-2002 : M. S. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
- 1993-2000: B.S. Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University
– Research Keywords and Topics
Perovskite (Organic)-Based Optoelectronic Devices (LED/ Solar Cells, Diode Laser etc), Photonic Devices Using Liquid Crystals
– Publications (selected)
- “Development of Colored Perovskite Solar Cells Using Cholesteric Helicoidal Superstructures”, S. Bae, Y. W. Noh, D.-S. Park, M. H. Song* and S.-W. Choi*, Nano Energy, 2022, 93, 106801.
- “Conjugated Polyelectrolytes as a Multifunctional Passivating and Hole-Transporting Layer for Efficient Green Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes”, S. Lee, C. H. Jang, T. L. Nguyen, S. H. Kim, K. M. Lee, K. Chang, S. S. Choi, S. K. Kwak*, H. Y. Woo*, and M. H. Song*, Adv. Mater., 2019, 31, 1900067.
- “Highly Efficient and Stable Inverted Perovskite Solar Cell Obtained via Treatment by Semiconducting Chemical Additive”, J. C. Yu†, S. Badgujar†, E. D. Jung, V. K. Singh, D. W. Kim, J. Gierschner, E. Lee, S. Cho, M. S. Kwon* and M. H. Song*, Adv. Mater., 2019, 31, 1805554.
- “High Performance Planar Perovskite Optoelectronic Devices: A Morphological and Interfacial Control by Polar Solvent Treatment”, J. C. Yu, D. B. Kim, G. Baek, B. R. Lee, E. D. Jung, S. Lee, J. H. Chu, D.-K. Lee, K. J. Choi, S. Cho*, and M. H. Song*, Adv. Mater., 2015, 27, 3492-3500.
“Highly Efficient Inverted Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes Using Surface Modifications of ZnO Layer”, B. R. Lee, E. D. Jung, J. S. Park, Y. S. Nam, S. H. Min, B.-S. Kim, K.-M. Lee, J.-R. Jeong, R. H. Friend, J.-S. Kim, S. O. Kim, and M. H. Song*, Nat. Comm., 2014, 5, 4840.