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Lab제1공학관(102동) 701-7호
Topic다차원 구조재료 연구
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Both experiment and simulation have been used to characterize microstructures and to predict their properties. In fact, the study is three-dimensional in nature because most practical structural materials have a polycrystalline or multi-phase structure with significant complexity in the spatial arrangement of the microstructural units. This is especially true for metallic and ceramic structural materials, since they are subject to various processes. In Lee’s group, it is of great interest to study process-microstructure-property relationship in multi-dimensions to optimize the materials design and performance.
– Curriculum Vitae
- 2012-present: Assistant/Associate professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UNIST
- 2009-2012 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University / Department of Materials Engineering, Purdue University
– Academic Credential
- 2008: Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
- 2004: M.S., Materials Science and Engineering / M.S. Information Systems Management, Carnegie Mellon University
- 1999: B.S. Metallurical Science and Engineering, Hanyang Univeristy
– Research Keywords and Topics
Mesoscopic Microstructology, Coarsening/Grain Growth, Sintering, Grain Boundary, Mechanical/Magnetic Property, Electrical Steel,
Bicontinous System, Li+ battery cathode particle, metal thin film.
– Publications (selected)
- “A two-dimensional Monte Carlo model for pore densification in a bi-crystal via grain boundary diffusion: Effect of diffusion rate, initial pore distance, temperature, boundary energy and number of pores”. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 40, 2020, 3158-3171
- “A three-dimensional Monte Carlo model for coarsening kinetics of the bi-continuous system via surface diffusion and its application to nanaoporous gold”. Scripta Materialia 174, 2020, 33-38
- “Three-dimensional digital approximation of grain boundary networks in polycrystals”. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22, 2014, 025017 (Cover Article)
- “The heterophase interface character distribution of physical vapor-deposited and accumulated roll-bonded Cu-Nb multilayer composites”. Acta Materialia 60, 2012, 1747-1761
– Awards/Honors/Memberships
- Young Scientist Award. The 3rd International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth (REX&GG), 2007, Korea