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Lab제1공학관 (102동) 701-1호
Topic나노/바이오 전자소자 연구
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To achieve the soft and stretchable nature in wearable biomedical electronics/optoelectronics (LEDs & PDs)/soft-robotics, we seek to develop novel nanocomposites and their printing technologies by controlling their interfacial properties.
– Curriculum Vitae
- 2019-present: Assistant Professor, UNIST
- 2017-2019: Postdoctoral Researcher, Bioengineering, UC Berkeley
- 2016-2017: Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Nanoparticle Research, IBS
– Academic Credential
- 2016: Ph.D. Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University
- 2009: Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University
– Research Keywords and Topics
Flexible & Stretchable Electronics, Wearable Displays, Transfer Printing, Deformable Image Sensors, Soft Robotics,
– Publications (selected)
- “Ultrahigh-Resolution Full-Color Perovskite Nanocrystal Patterning for Ultrathin Skin-Attachable Displays”
Jong Ik Kwon et al., Science Advances 2022, 8, eadd0697.
- “Integration of Synaptic Phototransistors and Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes for Visualization and Recognition of UV Patterns”
Hyojin Seung et al., Science Advances 2022, 8, eabq3101.
- “Stretchable Conductive Nanocomposites and their Applications in Wearable Devices”
Chansul Park et al., Applied Physics Letters 2022, 9, 021312.
- “Solution-Processed Stretchable Ag2S Semiconductor Thin Films for Wearable Self-Powered Nonvolatile Memory”
Seungki Jo et al., Advanced Materials 2021, 33, 2100066.
- “Toward Full-Color Electroluminesce Quantum Dot Displays”
Jiwoong Yang et al., Nano Letters 2021, 21, 26-33.
– Awards/Honors/Memberships
New Scientist Award by the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2020.