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Lab제1공학관(102동) 501-10호
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In Ecolab, weresearch energy harvesting devices. Perovskite solar cells or perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells, which are next-generation solar cells, are fabricated through various methods such as solution coating and deposition to achieve the world’s best efficiency. Transparent solar cells and stretchable solar cells are also developed to expand the application field of solar cells. We also research wearable thermoelectric device that converts body heat into energy and water splitting which is a prospective method to produce hydrogen fuel.
– Curriculum Vitae
- 2012.03 ~ Present: Full / Associate Professor, UNIST
- 2006.07 ~ 2012.02: Senior / Principal Research Scientist, KIST
- 2002.11 ~ 2006.06: Postdoctoral Fellow, UW – Madison, MSE
– Academic Credential
- Ph.D. (2001.09) : POSTECH, Materials Science and Engineering
- B.S. (1996.03) : Seoul National University, Inorganic Materials Science & Engineering
– Research Keywords and Topics
Tandem solar cells, Transparent solar cells, Thin films, Wearable thermoelectrics, Syntheses of 1-D nanostructures
– Publications (selected)
- “Operation of wearable thermoelectric generators using dual sources of heat and light,” Advanced Science (2022)
- “Ambipolar Passivated Back Surface Field Layer for Silicon Photovoltaics,” Advanced Functional Materials (2020)
- “Two-terminal DSSC/silicon tandem solar cells exceeding 18% efficiency,” Energy & Environmental Science 9 (2016)
- “Enhancement of ferroelectricity in strained BaTiO3 thin films,” Science 306, 1005 (2004).
– Awards/Honors/Memberships
- Principal investigator (PI) of Alchemist Project : Super Solar cells – Development of double junction solar cells, breakthrough for the theoretical limit of silicon solar cell efficiency (>35%)
- Received a commendation from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy in 2014